
Sacramento Cursillo: Sponsor Form

Being a Sponsor is a privilege and a deliberate act to bring Jesus Christ into the world. It is an important decision that is the result of careful discernment and much prayer guided by the Holy Spirit. Ensure you are familiar with the responsibilities entrusted to you by thoroughly reviewing the “Sponsoring a Candidate” and “Sponsor Checklist” information posted under the Pre Cursillo tab on our web site at www.sacramentocursillo.org. You will be expected to know your candidate well.
Your Candidate
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Sponsor's Information
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PLEASE NOTE: If this is your first time sponsoring a Candidate, it is strongly suggested you find a Co-Sponsor and seek guidance from your parish representative or PreCursillo Chair as the weekend date approaches.
Co-Sponsor's Information
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Sponsor's Activities and Relationship
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As a Sponsor, you will be responsible for guiding your candidate into a Group Reunion and an Ultreya after the Cursillo weekend.
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