Pray for our upcoming Women's
Cursillo Weekend
Please keep in your prayers all the candidates who have committed to the October 24-27th, 2024 Cursillo Weekend retreat. Pray that they may be guided to deepen their relationship with our Lord, be motivated to consistently participate in Group Reunions and Ultreyas, and feel called to embrace the Cursillo as their apostolate.
Sign up for an hour of prayer to support the candidates on their weekend
2024 Men's Weekend Rector
Hi, my name is Jeff Williams, I have the great honor of being this years Rector for the Cursillo Men's team, for the Weekend on September 12-15, 2024.
My Cursillo journey started in 2018, when I was at a Men's wake-up meeting at SS. Peter And Paul Church in Rocklin,Ca and Vince Johnson walked up to me after the meeting and asked if I wanted to come to a Cursillo Group Reunion Meeting on the following Saturday. I have been here ever since and I Lived my Cursillo Weekend in 2019 at JRC.
Since that weekend and my incounter with the Holy Spirit, I have strived to live my life as Edward Bonnin always called himself "An Apprentice Christian" I live my faith through my actions in Life. By treating everyone I meet the way the Bible tells us to "Love thy neighbor as you Love thy Self".
I have served on the last 3 Men's teams and have served them in various positions, I am also the Current School of Leaders Chair person as many of you attend the meetings. It is my firm belief that we as a Cursillo Community can not fully move forward and grow our community without a thriving School of Leaders as this is where we enhance what you recieve on the weekend. We all need to be effective leaders in our Families, work and parish enviornments. We also need to spread the good news of Christ, but more importanly Be the Goods News of Christ for others.
It has been through prayer and action that I have assembled, with the Holy Spirit a team for the weekend that has alot of newcomers to team formation and some veterens.
In the last year I have had many struggles in my personal and profession life, and In my prayers and descernment I have chosen a song that I have relied on in my time of struggle. The theme song for this weekend is " Lord I Need You by Matt Maher" and to go with this song the Theme for the weekend comes from 1Samual 3:10, where Samual heres the Lord and says "speak, for your servant is Listening"
As we approach the starting of team formation meetings, I ask the community for there prayers that we are guided by the Lord and the Holy Spirit in all that we do for the weekend. I also ask the community to go out and Make a Friend, Be a Friend and bring that friend to christ and the Cursillo.
Thank You,
De Colores, Jeff Williams
Upcoming Cursillo Weekends 2024
Men's - September 12-15, 2024
Women's - October 24-27, 2024
Rector - Jeffrey Williams
Rectora - Michelle Hayes
2024 Women's Weekend Rectora
My name is Mechelle Hayes, I am grateful to be the Rectora for the 2024 Women's Cursillo Weekend, October 24-27. I lived my Cursillo in 2008 at JRC. At the time I was attending a women's Bible Study group at my Church, Good Sheppard, in Elk Grove, CA. When a friend invited a few of us to attend the weekend. I had never been on a retreat before and thought it was time Wow! And what a weekend it was, the Holy Spirit ignited my heart on fire with his Love and has continued to burn ever since.
I have had the honor to work on 4 weekends, each time growing in my faith as a Christian and boldly going out on Mission to bring Christ to others, sharing in our 4th-day groups, growing our Love for Community, building his Church, and doing his work.
I have a wonderful team of experienced and first-time women Cursillistas on the team to be mentored, to carry on the Cursillo Method. My weekend Theme is Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is the light unto my feet and the light unto my path". I believe in these increasingly hard times we need to dive into the Word which will unite us to the light of the Holy Spirit and keep us on the right path.
I ask the community for ongoing prayers that will be led by the Grace of the Holy Spirit to "make a friend, be a friend, and bring a friend to Christ".
De Colores, Michelle
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