A New Spiritual Director for Sacramento Cursillo
As we head into 2023 we all look ahead to the many exciting possibilities before us. One such news item that will give us momentum appeared in this month's Catholic Herald (Jan/Feb), related to our future leadership.
Bishop Soto has appointed Fr. Dean Marshall as the permanent Spiritual Director of our charism, something we haven't formally had for some time. Fr. Dean is wonderfully spiritual, has the passion to keep up with us and is very familiar with Sacramento Cursillo. He made his weekend a few years ago and has supported weekends along the way.
It would not be fair to ignore all of those Deacons and Priests who have stuck by us, volunteering their time in support of all the weekends and items being managed by the Secretariat. You all have been critical in where the Holy Spirit has led us. In particular, thank you, Deacons Dave, Mike, and Rommell and Fr. Tom from St Ignatius, who blessed us with beautiful instruction on several weekends.
Congratulations Fr. Dean... we are truly blessed to have you journey with us...ULTREYA!
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