Sponsor Checklist
First and foremost, a Sponsor should ensure a Candidate is eligible to attend a Cursillo weekend before proceeding with the registration process.
It is recommended that sponsorship be limited to one Candidate per weekend. In your efforts to meet all of your responsibilities and obligations to each Candidate, such as providing opportunities for joining a Group Reunion and information about Ultreyas and School of Leaders you may find it necessary to secure a Co-sponsor.
Sponsors are expected to participate at a scheduled Sponsor's Workshop and attend the pre-determined Sponsors’ Night meeting before their Candidate's weekend.
On behalf of your Candidate, a Sponsor will be expected to submit all registration documents as one complete package. Please refer to the Registration Process document below for further details, contact your parish representative or contact the PreCursillo Chair for direction.
Know Your Candidate and:
Evaluate: Determine if your Candidate is eligible and ready for a three day Cursillo experience (See Eligibility below). Explain the movement.
Explore: Discuss the impact that the Cursillo Movement and a Weekend may have on your Candidate’s life.
Family: Discuss your Candidate''s concerns and family needs during their absence.
Health: Discuss health and medical concerns of your Candidate.
Cost: Advise the cost is $320 for room and board, single occupancy for the weekend.
Deposit: Advise the deposit is $100 and needed to accompany their registration packet.
Assistance: Ask your Candidate about any financial concerns they may have meeting the costs of their participation.
Palanca: Offer prayer and sacrifice for your Candidate before, during and after their participation.
Eligibility Requirements for Cursillo Candidates:
Age 21 is recommended, but the maturity of each Candidate should be evaluated with his/her Sponsor.
Baptized Roman Catholic eligible to receive the Sacraments with an expressed desire to grow spiritually.
In a state of physical and emotional health conducive to full participation during the Weekend; concerns should be discussed with his/her Sponsor.