Essential Principles of the Cursillo
The essence of the cursillo is, that it is a method by which makes it possible for both men and women to live a fundamental Christian Life together with Christ, so their soul, by their own spiritual force of gravity will keep on structuring Christianity with the richness and vigor, in the mode of the beginnings of Christianity. This structure should be done in the light of the present teachings of the Catholic Church and the Pope and in the pure lines of the gospel.
The Cursillo movement, requires and facilitates all that is fundamental for living a Christian life and nothing more. This all starts with the first step, which is the cursillo three-day weekend and more importantly, later in the group reunion, which is their end realization of the 4th day and Ultreya.
The cursillo movement is not just any one type of spirituality, but it is a movement that encompasses all types of spirituality, and it makes all types of spirituality possible to have a deeper hunger for God in the souls. The cursillo movement is just a layman’s spirituality, contrary to what some people think, but it is the only church movement that makes it possible for all souls to live a deeper Christianity in a manner completely accessible to all Baptized Christians not just the layman.
To facilitate the cursillo Christian community way of spirituality and living a fundamental Christian life that we are to achieve, the cursillo is structured into two stages. The first stage is living a cursillo three-day weekend, there in the 3 days, live a fundamental Christian life is made easy, by a series of short talks and meditations and discussions with your peers on the weekend.
The second stage is the group reunion, or 4th day group, in which community living is facilitated throughout one’s whole life, by sharing your piety, study and action and your successes and failures with your cursillo brothers and sisters that keeps you on the path of God.
As we have seen the evidence over the long history of the Charism of the cursillo movement. This method is a proven success in achieving a growing community of fundamental Christians living a fundamental Christian life. This movement has continued a rich tradition of evangelization of our baptismal vow of carrying the good news of Christ to the World, and by making a friend, being a friend and bring a friend to Christ.