School of Leaders
Hi, I am Jeff Williams the dean of the school of leaders for the Sacramento Cursillo Secretariat.
I lived my cursillo in 2019 and have been on the last two men’s teams. I was confirmed a catholic in 1997 through RCIA, I attend Mass at SS. Peter and Paul church in Rocklin, Ca and I am very active in our parish as an usher for mass and as a facilitator of our Thursday night Bible Study.
For those that do not know about the sol it is assigned the task of being the right hand of the Lay Director of the secretariat, where we help provide our cursillo community with the information and materials for our spiritual, methodology and doctorial formation materials. We also serve as the training arm of the secretariat in adding the pre-cursillo, post-cursillo and 3-day cursillo chairs by providing them with sol members to learn and aid them in the committee duties. This also helps in training future secretariat members for the different positions on the secretariat.
I do this by holding monthly meetings via zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. These meetings are open to everyone in the cursillo community. As I said before we are the training arm, so we provide the necessary information to serve on the weekend teams with technical presentations on a wide verity of cursillo subjects.
If you would like to know, more come join us at our zoom meeting or email me at
On Saturday July 9, at 9:00 AM PDT, the School of Leaders will have a guest speaker, Cef Aguillon. He will speak on several topics including; The School of Leaders and Cursillo history. The presentation will be followed by some question and answertime.
Everyone is welcome!!!
Ceferino (Cef) Aguillón lives in Cedar Park, TX in the Diocese of Austin. He is married to Gloria. They will be celebrating their 53rd Anniversary in December 2022. They have a son, Charles, daughter-in-law Vanessa and two grandsons, Noah, and Brandon. They have a daughter, Cynthia and son-in-law, Clay.
Cef lived his Cursillo Weekend in February 1986 in the Diocese of Victoria in Texas. His life is dedicated to serving Christ and his Church through the gift of Cursillo. Cef serves as the National Coordinator for the English Language Cursillo Movement in the United States. He has visited every diocesan movement within the 12 regions in the United States to share the Good News that God through Christ loves us. He enjoys sharing the truth and simplicity of Cursillo in light of its Charism through the method of friendship. He was blessed to have had the opportunity to meet with Eduardo Bonnín, Founder of Cursillo, for one week in Palma, Mallorca in Spain in June 2006.
De Colores
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Foundational Charism of the Cursillo Movement
January 2014
My talk will only skim over this very deep topic. In the words of Juan Ruiz, Cursillo National Hispanic Coordinator “A Cursillo de Cursillo is required to fully discuss the charism of the Cursillo in Christianity Movement”. I will try to share some important points about this topic.
In order to begin this topic we have to focus on the definition of Charism. The dictionary tells us the meaning is “gift” “present” which is equivalent to “grace” “appeal” or “vocation”. It’s practically synonymous of “functions and activities”.
“The charisms are, therefore, the effects of the Spirit of God in the believer, which can never be demanded by man, nor can they be provided by the official bodies of the church, nor can they be achieved by the reception of the sacraments.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Charisma in Section 799 as “a specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefits the Church, given in order to help a person live out the Christian life, or to serve the common good in building up the Church.”
On-Going Conversion of the Person
February 2014
What is “Conversion”? Conversion is our turning toward God who is always turning toward us. Conversion is the response of our whole person turning in faith and love to the God who loves us. Faith is the giving of our whole self – head hearts and hands – back to God.
Conversion takes time. It takes chipping away at the stone wall, or tomb, which surrounds us and separates us from God and allows God entrance into our tomb, or life. It takes time and humility to learn that love is not self-made but pure gift.